The Importance of Independence

Growing up as an only child, I learned really fast how to be on my own. Did I ever feel lonely? Of course. Did I ever wish I had siblings? Many times (even though my army of cousins were always there to keep my company). But what I've learned from growing up as an only child is that it has taught me from a really early age how to be independent.

Being independent can mean so many things for different people. It can be financially, physically, or even mentally. In all honesty, being independent is whatever makes you feel like you are accomplishing things on your own for yourself. For me, my first step of being independent was when I learned to drive. I felt so much power in being able to get myself to the places I needed to be and not have to rely on my parents or my family to help me get there. It was and continues to be something I'm proud of, despite it just being a small little thing.

When I started University, I felt a whole new level of independence. From commuting back and forth to figuring my way around Toronto. When I was able to do that on my own, it felt really good. It's a time in my life where I feel the most like myself because I knew I could get around on my own. There's just something about being in University in general that made me feel independent. Maybe it was finally setting out on my own path or maybe it was just getting out of the same routine I was used to being in everyday.

I have always loved being on my own, as weird as that may sound. I love taking walks, shopping, exploring on my own. Doing this allows me to just be in my own headspace and be me. My independence relied a lot on this factor, that I liked to have me time and spend time with myself. With always being around my family or my friends, sitting outside or wandering around a bookstore on my own is something I'll always love to do.

Being independent doesn't have to mean being by yourself all the time but being confident enough in yourself to know who you are and how to do things for yourself. We all know the importance of having a good support system, but just remember that you should count yourself in that as well.


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