Freshman Year

After just about a month of being finished my first year of University, I find it so crazy just how fast the last school year has gone by. Going into this year, I was nervous, excited, anxious, and filled with mixed emotions. This next step in my education was such a big change that I didn't know what to expect.

First year of University was fun, challenging, stressful, and rewarding. When I started in September I didn't want to put such high expectations on how the year would unfold in fear that I'd be let down. But in the end, I felt the complete opposite. I did and accomplished so many things that I didn't think I could do. 

Another big thing was making friends. Coming from a close-knit group in high school, I was scared of not finding anyone who I'd click with. Again, I was so wrong and found the most amazing people who I've become so close with. My biggest piece of advice when it comes to this is to be open. Don't close yourself off because you never know when you'll find the right people.

The program you're studying also obviously has a big impact on how you perceive school. I feel lucky to love what I'm studying, not just because it's what I want to do in the future but simply because I LIKE what I'm learning. And although adjusting to all of the work and managing my time was difficult, I've figured out my ways to deal with everything during my semesters.

I believe that everyone's University experience depends on their mindset. I always try to love school but sometimes it's hard. It's hard to balance all your course, a social life, family, and yourself. All I can say is try your best, find time for you and always try to do things that you love.

Excited as always to see what the next year will hold for me!



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