The Last First Day
Three years ago, I could've never imagined what it would be like to be in my last year. Everything was so new and foreign to me, that I was just excited to be starting this new journey. As I prepare for my last first day of school ever, I can't help but feel excited and nervous and have bittersweet feelings about all of this. These last couple years have been some of the best times of my life, despite the losses and in the midst of a pandemic, I am grateful to be finishing off my degree and am feeling proud of how far I've come.
With everything going on, it's been hard to look to what's next. But I've found having things to look forward to, no matter how small, helps you to push through. So this year I'm excited to absorb all of the new things I get to learn. I'm also finding myself extremely thankful for the experiences I've had in the last three years and can't wait to see what this last year has in store for me. Lastly, I'm looking forward to all of the ways that myself and my peers will have to be creative virtually as we adapt to our new learning space.
Every year, I've always tried to put out some goals that will keep me motivated. It's nothing crazy or life-changing but just something that I know I can work towards and allow me to feel proud of what I've done. This year I'd love to keep up a good GPA, so I know I'll have to work my butt off to achieve that. But most of all I just want to cherish these moments and keep being hopeful and optimistic about the future. If there's anything that this year has taught me is to keep that positive light going in a world of darkness.
Happy last first day to all out there and wishing you all a great school year!
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