Writing About... Uncertainty: Third Year
It would not feel right publishing this without speaking to all of the terrible acts of violence happening both in America, but also here in Toronto. There is so much work that needs to be done to stop racism. To become anti-racist. To stop police brutality. It starts with educating ourselves, others, and provide support in any way that we can.
Please visit blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ to learn more about how you can support the movement and protect Black lives today, tomorrow, and forever.
Donate: Black Lives Matter - Toronto
Defund the Police: blacklivesmatter.com/defundthepolice
Support Black Trans Lives: blacktranslivesmatter.carrd.co/
List of petitions still needing to reach their goals: pendingpetition.carrd.co/
Support Yemen: yemencrisis.carrd.co/
While my third year of University has come to an end, it's definitely not what I thought it would be. The world right now is in such a strange and scary place and I would have never imagined I would be finishing off classes online. The health and safety of those around me is most important and I want to express my gratitude to all of the front line workers and everyone who goes out to work each day to keep us going.
Aside from this pandemic, third year was definitely a learning curve. It challenged me in ways I couldn't even imagine and taught me so much about the future and what it will hold for me in the next year. This year was truly a year of uncertainty. The future became unknown and with that comes waves of anxiety. Not knowing what is going to happen in both the world and my life was a scary thing.
During this time, I am grateful to my friends and family for supporting one another and helping each other get through such a weird time in all of our lives. As we have all continued to adapt to staying at home and doing most things from our homes, I want to acknowledge what a blessing it is to be able to do all of that and be safe.
It is hard to believe that University is coming to an end. Although I am excited, I am also scared of growing up and being an adult. Starting my internship earlier this month has also been an exciting adventure. It's my first real look into the communications world and it's interesting to see just what I can do with what I have learned in school. This last year may have been tough but I came out the other side with more lessons learned and more goals accomplished. I made some great memories and experienced new things with all of my favourite people. I still have one more year to go. Wherever it may take me, I don't know, but I am looking forward to finding out.
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